transient state process

英 [ˈtrænziənt steɪt ˈprəʊses] 美 [ˈtrænʃnt steɪt ˈprɑːses]

网络  暂态过程



  1. Transient state process solution of RLC-circuit can be solved easily by the analytic method of complex frequency field.
  2. In view of the characteristics of strong non-linearity, multivariable and extremely short transient state process of the electric power electronics, this article outlines the application of several intelligent controls and carries on the forecast to its next prospects for development.
  3. Carries on the hot-structure coupling analysis using the ANSYS APDL language simulation welding transient state process procedure, which analyzes the influence regarding the residual stress in the different welding material and method.
  4. Applying inquiry teaching method, the experiment of transient state process of RC circuit is designed and completed by students.
  5. In the paper, we describe the results of the resistant transient state nuclear radiation optical fiber prepared by the PCVD process.
  6. Distributed laws and associated features between the three phase transient current components ( TCC) are analyzed in theory, on the basis of sufficient researches to formed mechanism and distributed features of the single-phase-grounded-fault transient state process in non-effectively grounded systems.
  7. Requirements concerning the criterion of transient unsteady state conduction during the process of entering the stage of normal condition are quite different as they appear in various literature.
  8. A transient state distribution of temperature within the infinite medium is assumed to induce the moisture transfer process.
  9. Arc welding process is a very complicated process with many interacting factors mixed together, so the transient state of welding process is related to many parameters.
  10. Ultrafast laser spectroscopy such as femtosecond time-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy, time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, is an important experimental method to investigate the excited state energy relaxation process in organic materials.
  11. We used femtosecond time-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy to investigate the excited state energy relaxation process of DPA-TSB compared to DPA-DSB.
  12. We can Obtained the distribution of the transient state temperature and stress in the ultrasonic welding process through the finite element analysis.